Message from Principal
One of the best known definitions of education, quite relevant in our case, is “modification of behavior”. Education is the change or the difference between the way we look at the world around us and draw conclusions and how the perception would have been had we not been educated. Since Education casts a tremendous influence on the development of human personality since inception, it has been used as a tool to mould the personality of the coming generation in the desired direction. With the passage of time, societal needs and requirements have grown and, along with them, the strategies including education have also undergone changes so as to keep pace with them.
Every child coming into the world, is endowed with certain talents and capabilities, some openly visible and some hidden and latent. This is what makes every child a unique individual. It is the responsibility of the grown-ups to provide opportunities and means for developing the visible talents up to their optimum level and to unearth the hidden ones and bring them to the fore.
We at BBEHS consider it our most fundamental function to ensure development of all aspects of the personality of our students, intellectual, physical, emotional, social and cultural.
The prominent values emphasized by the school are creativity, discipline, respect for elders, politeness, good manners, cooperation, empathy, balance, concentration and focused attitude. We believe that the values are not taught. They are learnt in the school by practicing them in the day-to-day school activities.
-Madhu Mishra