Message from Secretary
In Keeping With The Maxims Of Today’s Fast-Changing Educational Setup, Laced With Digital Media And Collaborative Tools, We At BBEHS Aim To Provide The Best Education To Our Students To Become Valuable Global Citizens Of Tomorrow And Do Their Level Best In Every Aspect Of Life. Global Competence Represents The Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, And Behavior Necessary To Thrive In Today's Interconnected World. Therefore, We Constantly Endeavor To Help Our Students Demonstrate Digital Literacy As Well As Civic Responsibility. Apart From Providing A Range Of Curricular And Co-Curricular Activities, We Support The Individual Wellbeing Of Our Students And Provide A School Environment That Allows Every Student To Thrive As They Work Towards Achieving Their Personal Best. It Is Only Through Collaboration And Mutual Trust And Support From All Our Stakeholders That We Can Provide An Enabling Atmosphere To Our Students To Soar Higher In The Skies Of Learning.
-Kiran Chaney