A. Strict but kind discipline will be exercised. Respect for authority is essential.
1. All students are expected to :
Obey the School rules.
Show respect to all.
Avoid shouting, whistling or running around in the School building.
Avoid using indecent language.
Avoid throwing paper, etc. anywhere in or around the School premises.
Not ride their cycles in the School campus.
Observe all rules of good conduct while coming to or returning from school.
Not leave the School premises without permission once they have entered the school.
2.Students are expected to be in school on time. The school gates will close five minutes after the warning bell.
3. Irregular attendance, abusive language, disobedience or bad conduct and cheating, will justify dismissal. Matters of discipline are to be discussed with the school Principal/Vice Principal only.
4. Students should be regular in attendance, punctual, diligent in his or her work, neat and clean and of exemplary behavior.
5. In no way should a student disfigure the walls of the school or destroy/damage the school property. Scribbling is forbidden.
6. Students are bound to make good any damage done to the school property.
7. Children must bring books according to the Time-table.
8. Books, magazines or newspapers or anything else must not be brought to the school without the permission of Principal.
9. No student is allowed to remain in the classroom during Recess, P.T., Games, Library Laboratory & Activity periods.
10. Students found with immoral books, pictures or anything in their possession or seen lending them to others are liable to expulsion from school.
11. The school is not responsible for lost goods. Students must be careful with their belongings.

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