1. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the parents and gate pass from the school or a parent comes to take a child (during an emergency).

2. Kindly ensure that you do not send your child in a vehicle that is powered by an L.P.G. Cylinder.

3. Nothing will be handed over to your child during school hours, so please ensure that your child's bag is packed correctly in the morning, including the tiffin box before they leave the house.

4. Tell your child to always tell you if he or she feels uncomfortable with a particular person.
5. Do not send your child to school if he/she is unwell or has contagious diseases. An unwell child will not be allowed inside the classroom.

6. During all activities and outings, the school will take all necessary precautions, yet in spite of that, if an accident or mishap occurs, the school will in no way be held responsible or liable.

7. In case of any accident or emergency during school hours, casualties will be taken to the nearest Hospital and parents will be informed as soon as possible.

8. Std.V onwards students may use a bicycle to come to school provided:- a) They have a written permission from their parents.

b) The parents have filled and submitted a No Objection form and acquired a cycle pass.
9. Children are not allowed to enter any classroom/library/laboratory without a teacher.
10. Students are not allowed to use two wheelers while coming to school.

11. Students caught driving a two wheeler in their school uniform in any part of the town, will be dismissed from school.

12. Students must not ride bicycles at breakneck speed.

13. Children should be taught not to sit on the corners and ends of an auto/rickshaw.

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