1. Every student must be present on the first day of the New Academic Session. Attendance on closing as well reopening days is compulsory.

2. As regular attendance is an important element for successful work, a previous written application for leave must be sought. (Contact Report)

3. Attendance on working Saturdays is compulsory. Strict action will be taken against students who are absent for more than one Saturday in a term without any genuine reason.

4. It is compulsory for students to be present for all school functions or else disciplinary action will be taken.

5. In case of sickness or other unforeseen circumstances, the student returning to school must show the Teacher-in-charge his/her Absence Record, duly signed by the Principal.

6. A Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner must be produced for absence due to sickness, contagious or prolonged illness immediately the next day, after which it will not be accepted.

7. Leave should be sought in writing in the "Absence Record" page of the diary.

8. If a student is absent due to sickness, a separate written application must be submitted along with a medical certificate.

9. Absence from the school for social functions should be discouraged. There is no provision for short/half day leave.

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